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Krishna Kumar

Founder & CEO, CropIn Technology

“Technology has transformed the production capabilities of the agriculture sector through inclusion of methodologies such Satellite Navigation Drones Internet of Things and other tools for farm digitization and automation. These sensing technologies add up to what we know as Precision agriculture and make farming smart sustainable and efficient. Advancements in technology give farmers the advantage of using sensors unmanned devices and machines and information technology that minimize human effort and enable farms to be more profitable. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are being used by various organization to collect plot-level and regionpin code level data and also for an enhanced two-way transfer of information between farmers and field managers. The technologies are crucial in making agriculture climate resilient as the predictive modelling element helps to model events that can negatively impact agricultural production and take effective steps to prevent excessive loss of produce”

Jinesh Shah

Founding Partner, Omnivore Venture Capital

“Technology is a game changer in food and agri sector as it will help the benefits to reach both the farmers and consumers. It helps to get data where there was no existence of data and this helps people to analyze and take action which will help all the stakeholders. Besides technology like Automation IoT Bid data can help to reduce the level of uncertainties related to farming and can make it sustainable for the farmers and will help farmers to adopt technology and provide information which will help farming become profitable. Also it will help agro supply match up to the consumer demand which will create a winwin situation for both producers and consumers. These technologies also have a potential to improve the income potential for the small holder farmers and create a great impetus on farm productivity and farmer income.”

Hemendra Mathur

Venture Partner, Bharat Innovations Fund

“Indian agritech start-ups are trying to solve multidimensional problems prevalent in Indian agriculture including low productivity sub-optimal efficiency in supply chain lack of access to institutional credit crop insurance quality inputs and market linkages. Majority of start-ups are developing applications of digital tech biotech and food tech to solve these problems. Digital tech innovations have focused on use of data analytics including machine and deep learning to develop business models to make agriculture supply chain more transparent and predictive. Biotech start-ups are working on improving soil fertility water efficiency climate resilient plant varieties and plant immunity. Food tech start-ups have focused on innovative healthy safe and nutritious food. Agtech innovations have demonstrated positive impact on farm economics by assuring increasing revenues reducing cost (inputs water labour) and de-risking various element of farming through a combination of innovations as discussed above”